For the years to come in the 22nd century, equality will be present between men, women and races, co-operation will lead to successful partnerships, lending a helpful hand will not be foreign and society will be a proper mosaic of cultures and religions. The rights will be the same between males and females except women will rise above the men in the workforce. There will be plenty of female company CEOs and women will no longer or ever work in "job ghettos" as they did in the 1960s and other years. Since both parents in families will have job opportunities and success their families will benefit and society will prosper.
In relation to technology in the workplace, it will be advanced. It will not be so advanced that people will no longer have a job since machinery will replace them. Instead, people will supervise the technology leading to less major injuries in the workplace and the loss of jobs. There will be no child labour as there was once in the Urban Industrial families period. For example, children worked as chimney sweeps and developed black lung from the soot and they were also paid a very minimal amount of money. This lead to unemployed men or extremely low wages. For those people in society who need help, there will be assistance waiting for them. Organization and groups will be plenty for people who may have addictions or are struggling financially. Volunteerism is greatly encouraged. |
Furthermore, there will be classes among society. In the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, it is stated that society is about power struggle and that a violent revolution is necessary to fix this flaw and there is no middle class but much has changed since the 19th century. With all these changes in life the classes will be affected. There will be higher, middle and lower class. Middle class will much larger than the other two levels and one day they may take over and become a majority. Into which class an individual may belong to depends on how hard they work for it. In the 22nd century if a person works hard in life they will receive what they deserve and if another person does not work and just is lazy then they may fall into the lower class in life. |
The 22nd century demands that children go to elementary school and also finish highschool unless there is an important reason why they have to discontinue their education. Going to to university or college is strongly recommended but is not strictly enforced. Since the law of complusory education was enforced for children under the age of fourteen in the Urban Industrial families period in the year of 1871, it gives children a chance to become successful and to change society. School gives the youth the skills they will need once they have entered the workplace and it develops their minds.
Variety of religions and cultures in the 22nd century will be large. Racism will not exist anymore since there will not be one religion or race that will be a large majority. The future will be like a huge metaphoric blender. All religions, races and cultures will be put together and blended so that no one will really care to see the differences and pick out the minority and superiority.
"We may have different
religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one
human race."
Kofi Annan |,%20April%2020%20.php
The world of the 22nd century is nothing to be anxious about, welcome the change and it will set your mind free of worries.
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